Flower Fairy Summer camp was a very busy and fun time! There were over 50 girls! We split them up into groups of 12-15 so that the groups would be workable. The youger ones (ages 3-5) Had a lot of fun just putting icing and candies on their cupcakes. The Older girls really tried to make some great creations! They did flowers, spagetti and meatballs, purses, swirls, dots and stars. They really enjoyed learning how to make stars, shells, dots, swirls, smooth bases, etc. It was a great event!
All set up and ready to go |
I had some great assistants!
example cupcakes |
They loved the marshmallow flowers! Look how cute this one is! |
Some decided they liked piles of icing- I think this was was titled "a pyramid!" |
In the box |
Boxes all set out with one cupcake ready for the teaparty |
All the precious boxes of cupcakes set out and ready to take home |